

At the second presidential debate, Republican candidate Donald Trump answers a question from social media regarding the leaked 2005 audio tape. » Subscribe t

I don't think you understood what was said. This was locker room talk," Trump responded. "I'm not proud of it. I  Oct 13, 2016 it was just “locker-room talk,” and not action.

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Picture: Peter Griffin har ”locker room talk” med Trump i Family Guy-  Now that Donald Trump is president we must address the issue of locker room talk across the entire autism spectrum. Locker room talk is not appropriate  Republikanernas presidentkandidat Donald Trump har i flera intervjuer sagt att Trump: Ingen är intresserad av ditt “locker room talk” varken där eller någon  Trump sa ”grab them by the pussy” och kallade det för ”locker room talk”. Världen förfärades. Men en av de mest respekterade och uppburne av  Joe Biden har större chans än Hillary Clinton att slå Donald Trump, enligt Uttalanden om ”locker room talk” och grepp kring det kvinnliga  av J Cigwald · 2017 — presidentkandidat, Donald Trump. anses objektiva i sin rapportering kring presidentkandidaten Donald Trump. Enligt Trump var detta ”locker-room talk”. Locker Room Talk is a provocative piece of event theatre.


Athletes are not happy with Donald Trump classifying his controversial comments as "locker room talk" and took to Twitter to show it. Donald Trump’s claim that the statements he made to Billy Bush in 2005 about groping women were “locker room talk” is meeting serious push back from several pro athletes.

Donald trump locker room talk

OpEd: No, Donald It's Not Just 'Locker Room Talk' Donald Trump’s dismissal last night of his revolting behavior is just another thread in the quilt of rape culture and violence directed at women.

Men för  LeBron James om vad "locker room talk" är efter Donald Trumps grova sexprat om kvinnor, som han kallat "locker room talk". USA - USA - Donald Trump-administrationen: Mot denna bakgrund his remarks as “locker-room talk” and denied subsequent allegations by a  I samma veva läckte också ljudinspelningar av Donald Trump ut, där han säger att han ”tar tjejer på fittan” för att han är känd. Han och de som  Detta, i kombination med att presidenten Donald Trump menade att kränkande prat om kvinnor bara är Locker room talk, ledde till idén om ett företag som  Donald Trump ser. Trump inte rädd för att bli avsatt · Svesken Inge Thulin, tidigare vd för 3M och rådgivare åt Donald Trump, säger i.

Donald trump locker room talk

Of course, as many outraged athletes, Twitter users, and debate-watchers pointed out, Trump’s supposed exaggerations crossed a line, entering an area of "locker room talk" that many decent men — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 8, 2016 ’This is locker room talk’ Then, two days later on Oct. 9, he faced live questioning about the tapes during the second presidential debate. Co-moderator Anderson Cooper asked Trump about the tape, saying that Trump "described kissing women without consent, grabbing their genitals. Donald Trump talked to Billy Bush about trying to bang chicks back in 2005, but Trump says the conversation was clearly private, one-on-one locker room banter that was recorded by an "Access “This was locker-room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course — not even close,” Trump said in a statement ^ Adam Howard, Athletes and Coaches to Donald Trump: Sexual Assault Is Not 'Locker Room Talk', NBC News (October 10, 2016). ^ Sean Gregory, Donald Trump Dismisses His 'Locker Room Talk' As Normal. Athletes Say It's Not , Time (October 10, 2016).
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More about Donald Trump US election 2016 US Debate 1 /1 Athletes want Trump to stop using his 'locker room talk' excuse. Michelle Obama says Donald Trump’s ‘locker room talk’ is an ‘insult to decent men everywhere’ At a rally, Ms Obama called the comments about women ‘intolerable’ and said ‘enough is After a video of Donald Trump making misogynistic comments leaked and he excused them as "locker room talk," many denied that this kind of speech was normal in locker rooms, politics, or anywhere. 2016-10-12 Mike Pence addresses Syria, accepts Trump tape as just "locker room talk" October 10, 2016 / 12:36 PM / CBS News Trump disagrees with Pence . “Donald Trump’s position 2016-10-11 2016-10-12 2016-10-14 In a 2005 conversation with Access Hollywood Donald Trump discusses his approach to some women.» Subscribe to NBC News: http://nbcnews.to/SubscribeToNBC» Wat Donald Trump may think that bragging about sexual assault is “locker room talk,” but professional athletes across the country beg to differ.

Det fick oss att  Comey avskedades förra månaden av president Trump, och vissa Å andra sidan säger Trump att Comey helt enkelt inte gjorde sitt jobb bra. ordstävEn massa professionella idrottare svarade på Donald Trumps "Locker Room Talk" ursäkt. Hela världen fick vad USAs 45e president Donald Trump sa när han trodde ingen lyssnade, ”locker room talk” som han kallade. Han sa bland annat:.
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Donald Trump Fired Me for 'Locker Room Talk' Says 'Apprentice Star By Tufayel Ahmed On 10/12/16 at 2:02 PM EDT Maria Kanellis was fired from 'The Celebrity Apprentice' for what Donald Trump

Plus, analysis from columnist and commentator Cokie Roberts and Donald Trump’s claim that the statements he made to Billy Bush in 2005 about groping women were “locker room talk” is meeting serious push back from several pro athletes. 2016-10-11 P rofessional athletes and coaches have refuted Donald Trump's dismissal of lewd comments about groping women as "locker room talk". "As an athlete, I've been in locker rooms my entire adult life Donald Trump called this “locker room talk” in the debate.